Hurricane Watch

Your weekly hightower band newsletter

Band Calendar

Week of Oct. 7 at a Glance


full band



Full Band



Winds and ​Percussion





No School

N​o​ Rehearsal


No School

No Rehearsal


N​o Events

This Week’s News

What about No ​Pass, No Play?

Signups for ​upcoming ​events!

What is the ​schedule for ​next week’s ​Contest?

Who do I ask ​about...?

Info about our ​fundraiser!

How do I submit ​an absence ​request?

What is coming ​up​ this month?

How do I make ​sure that I don’t ​miss any ​events?

Grade Checks

Our next Grade Check is on October 9th. We will look at the T1 grades for all of our students in all of ​their classes. With limited exceptions for Dual-Credit, AP, or certain exempt courses, students must ​pass all subjects with a 70% or better to remain academically eligible. Currently ineligible students ​may regain their eligibility by passing all classes for T1.

Ineligible students are not able to participate in any extracurricular activities, such as band ​contests, football games, or pep rallies until they pass all classes at the next grade check. They will ​still be required to attend all practices and curricular events.

Grade changes after the grading window closes for any reason other than a teacher error will not ​change the student’s eligibility. We encourage parents and students to keep up with grades on ​Skyward and work proactively to eliminate any issues. All teachers are required to have tutorials ​weekly and we encourage students to take advantage of those opportunities.

We will contact you directly if your student is ineligible.

Sign up to help!

Below are some urgent opportunities to help. Please look at the opportunities below and ​let us know how you can help!

Football Game Help

We need parents to help us at HHS and at Mercer Stadium. Click above to check out the ​available time slots. Feel free to sign up for more than one! We are limited to the number ​of volunteers that can accompany us so please sign up early!

Uniform Washing

Help us keep our uniforms in top shape! We are looking for several parents to take 6-10 ​band or guard uniforms home to wash and dry in your home machines. Soap and ​instructions provided.

Senior Night

This committee helps ensure that our seniors are recognized for the hard work that they ​do at our senior night celebration in October.

FBISD Volunteer Background Check

Required for all volunteers who work with our students


All events, rehearsals, and practices are required. Mr. Clift must be notified well ​in advance of any expected absence. Absences from rehearsals are worth a ​double daily grade per week. During marching season the band rehearses most ​days. For the remainder of the year each student will have 1-2 rehearsals per ​week. The official calendar for the Hightower Band is on our website. All events ​should be posted on this calendar. Habitual failure to attend rehearsals ​(Including coming late or leaving early) will result in being unable to perform ​with the contest group. This will result in a lowered grade for non-participation. ​Work, group projects, doctor appointments, and outside sports are examples of ​activities that will not be excused. All absences should be entered on the ​attendance form below. Rehearsals require a 48 hour notice and performances ​require a 2 week notice.

Band Contest next week

October 19th will be our UIL Region competition. Hightower is hosting this competition, in addition to performing, and will need a lot of ​parent help ensuring the contest runs smoothly.

We will perform at 9:15am at Hall Stadium in Missouri City. Tickets are available HERE for spectators.

We will need volunteers to help throughout the day and that link is posted HERE.


6:00am - Band Hall opens

7:00am - Call time for all groups-EAT A GOOD BREAKFAST BEFORE YOU GET TO HHS

7:15am - Unload Truck and Get Dressed

7:45am - Uniform Inspection

8:00am - Move to warm-up

9:15 am - Perform

9:30am - return to band hall

10:00am - Dismiss, pickup will be on the bus drive

If you are helping you will need to change quickly and go to your post.

Band Calendar on your ​phone

Scroll up to the calendar on this website and click the blue + on the bottom right ​of the calendar. Follow the prompts to add the calendar. Works best with a ​google account.


Fo​otball Game 10/18

Me​rcer Stadium

Call ​Time Right after Scho​ol

Sign Up to Help Here

Se​nior Night Committee

Senior Night is Octobe​r 24th

Committee forming to mak​e it a special​ night

Sign Up Here T​o Join

UIL Contest - 10/19

We need parents to come help us host ​UIL!

Sign Up Here To Help

La​undry Committee

We periodically wash uniforms to ​ensure that they are fresh and clean for ​our students.

Sign Up Here To Help

Who to Contact

Assistant Band Director

Symphonic and Concert Band, Private ​Lessons


Head Band Director

Marching Band, Schedules, Honors ​Band, General Questions


Percussion Director

Percussion, Social Media


Color Guard Director

Color Guard


Booster Club President

Fees, Gear, Volunteers, etc

Upcoming Events

Events for the next 30 days

Wednesday 10/16 - FULL BAND REHEARSAL 4p-8p

Thursday, 10/17 - FULL BAND REHEARSAL 4p-8p

Friday, 10/18 - Football @ Clements (Mercer)

Friday, 10/18 - Spirit Night @ Raising Canes

Saturday, 10/19 - UIL Marching @ Hall (HHS Hosts)

Thursday, 10/24 - Football vs Austin HS - Senior Night (Hall)

Friday, 10/25 - Full Band Rehearsal 4pm-7pm

Thursday, 10/31 - Football vs Ridge Point (Mercer)

Saturday, 11/2 - Area Marching Contest (Freedom Field)

Tuesday, 11/5 - Election Day (You can Vote at HHS!!)

Friday, 11/8 - Football @ Elkins (Mercer)

Raise Craze

We have officially kicked off our Raise Craze Fundraiser to raise money for the Hightower High School Band and Guard.

Raise Craze is an online platform enabling participants to set up secure, custom websites where they request donations via email, ​text, and social. During the fundraiser, participants pay it forward by completing Acts of Kindness for others...a great way to learn the ​value of gratitude. Spend time serving, not selling!

OUR GOAL IS $15,000 FOR...

  • Trip to UIL Marching Competition
  • Trip to WGI San Antonio Competition during Spring Break
  • Scholarships to students for financial support and fee reduction

Parents are welcome to donate to the fundraiser, but our goal is to receive support from the community and friends.

The students will receive individual and group prizes every week and at the end of the fundraiser.

Thank you for your support!



1. Your child has already registered and created a dashboard listing how they will pay it forward by ​performing acts of kindness. Remind them to share this link with you!

2. Help your child by providing 10 email addresses of potential supporters. Once entered into the ​fundraiser, Raise Craze will send all emails, reminders and thank you notes. Emails will never be shared ​with third parties or used for marketing. Donors can send money electronically by the dashboard, or ​send in cash or a check.

3. Share your dashboard link via text and social media to get the word out. Remind your child to do ​their acts of kindness and share pictures with the Band app, and log their acts of kindness on their ​dashboard. You can also share on our Facebook page: ​

4. Follow our progress on our webpage:

5. Parents are welcome to donate to the fundraiser, but our goal is to receive support from the ​community and friends. You can help recruit corporate support by emailing or printing and sharing the ​letter and QR code below.

Dear Friends of Hightower High School Band & Guard, ​As a valued and respected member of our business community, we are reaching out for your support

in our Raise Craze fundraiser. With Raise Craze, our participants ask friends and families for

donations while spreading acts of kindness in the community.

Why We Chose This Way to Fundraise

We picked this fundraiser in an effort to get more of our members involved, while teaching the value

of gratitude, inclusion, and paying it forward in the community.

How A Sponsorship Can Help Your Business Grow

Throughout this fundraiser, we will spotlight your business on our social media and on our thank you

emails that will go out to all of our donors. This all allows your name to be in front of our entire


Ways To Give




A gift card to your business for $50+

Sponsor incentives or printing costs - Contact Gena Tribble @

Direct donation using the link or scanning the QR code in the purple boxes below

We sincerely appreciate your support!

Gena Tribble, Fundraiser Organizer

Hightower High School Band & Guard

Donate Online Here ​September 16 - October 14 ​

PREFER TO MAIL A CHECK? Please make your check out to “Hightower High School Band & Guard” ​and send your contribution to: 3333 HURRICANE LN MISSOURI CITY, TX 77459

Raise Craze: The Difference Is Kindness





Register & Send 10 Emails ​Band S'cker

Complete 20 Acts of Kindness (AOK)

S'cker Prize Pack

Top Dollar Student per Week

Gi0 Card to Local Business


Top Group for Emails Sent ​Band Duffle Bag

Top Dollar Group Overall

Olive Garden Meal at Pre-Game

Top AOK Group Overall

Milkshake Party


If We Reach Our Goal of $15,000… ​Pie-In-The-Face Party!